Sunday, August 15, 2010

Time will Surely Pass

My Spiritual Mind translated last post to:
One of the best lines written above the clock of Life:
"Time will Surely pass..
and so Will You!!

Time will Pass

One of the best lines written above the clock in an exam hall:"Time will pass..
Will You??"

Something Funny

Old people used to annoy me at weddings by pinching my cheeks and saying "You are the Next". They stopped doing that when I started doing the same in at Funerals..

Population, Crowd, Human and Creating life

Creating life... what can be more sacred? Do it as beautifully,. There cannot be a bigger crime than to create a life accidentally.
~ Osho ~

Spirituality and Market

The moment you start thinking of any reward beyond your act, you are only a technician, not a creator. ~OSHO~
How I can interpret it 
.The moment you start thinking of any reward beyond your act, you are only a speculator, not a investor.

Heart and Mind

The mind questions the whole life long and never receives any answer, and the heart never asks but receives the answer. 

Stop Killing Childhood, Stop killing Child. Save Humanity.

That's what parents go on doing with the children: they try to enforce things on them and the children become serious..and the moment a child becomes serious you have killed him.... you have disconnected him from his own source....All that a real parent will do is to help the child to be more and more playful, to be more and more joyous, celebrating...!!

आज़ादी के मायने और असली आज़ादी.

मुझे लगता हैं एक बार फिर से आज़ादी की व्याख्या खोजी जानी चाहिए. शहीदों को नमन करके, यहाँ कहना चाहता हूँ कि उनकी सालाना याद न केवल नाकाफी हैं वरन उनकी शहादत का अपमान हैं. अब जरुरत हैं उन्हें जिया जाये. उन्हें पून्ह खोजा जाये. हालत फिर वेसे ही हैं. कद बौने हो चुके हैं, और कुर्सिया बड़ी हो चली हैं. कुछ पंक्तिया लिखी थी कही, उन्हें याद करके आज स्वतंत्रता दिवस कि शुभकामनाये प्रेषित करता हू. 

ये जो जिसे कहते है जिन्दंगी,
सबको जीनो दो.
कुछ उम्मीदों को, तो पलने दो,
छोटा सा ही सही, एक दीप तो जलने दो.

चलो इस नए ब्लॉग को आरंभ किया जाये...